We have a great desire that the fire that was in the heart of Jesus, which we ourselves have experienced, would be in the hearts of others. That is why we have chosen the text from Luke's Gospel:
“I have come to bring fire to the earth and how I wish it were blazing already”
- Luke 12:49
This fire is of course the Holy Spirit. It is the fire that was burning in the heart of Jesus himself, when He went to the cross for our sake. He did this so that everybody could experience this fire in their own hearts, the fire of God's love. We immerse ourselves in this fire through the grace of the “Baptism in the Spirit,” which is the release of the gift of our baptism. We spend time before the blessed Sacrament each day, soaking up the warmth of God's love upon us. And we immerse ourselves through daily meditation on the cross of Jesus.
We are contemplatives in action. We spend at least two hours in quiet prayer each day, where we draw close to the Heart of Jesus for us personally. It is from this place that our mission to the world begins.

We are also charismatic, where our life springs from the experience of the “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”. This is a big grace that renews our baptism, opens us to the charismatic gifts, and brings us into a deeper conscious relationship with Jesus. It is a grace for personal transformation and enabling us to open up to the fruits of the Spirit.
This gift is for you!