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Writer's pictureFr Ken Barker MGL

Founders Corner: Spreading the Message of God's Love Internationally

Since my last message, I have had the blessing, thanks to Harvest pilgrimages, of being in the Holy Land (escaping to safety when the war started). I was grateful for this opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, especially in the Galilee region. We need always to focus on Jesus. He is the centre of our lives. Without him, we are lost. With him, we have everything.

It was a joy to celebrate Mass on the Mount of the Beatitudes and to pray with my fellow pilgrims in a profound moment of silence on the Sea of Galilee. It was so wonderful to experience the closeness of Jesus and once again surrender to his call to follow him and walk in his ways.

Sea of Galilee

I am also grateful for the opportunity, thanks to CHARIS, to visit Rome for an international Assembly followed by a large conference of people from over 80 countries. Pope Francis attended in his wheelchair but full of beans. He encouraged us to continue to share the big grace of the baptism in the Spirit with all Catholics, not forgetting to centre our ministries around the poor and marginalised. After the Rome pilgrimage, I was able to spend a few days in Assisi. It was like coming home, back again in the place where the Lord has spoken to me so powerfully. It was a particularly moving experience as I listened to the Lord’s encouragement for the journey ahead.

Vatican City

As you know, this is a time of a new beginning for me. The Lord spoke to my heart “to stay the course”, and “to continue strengthening the brothers” in whatever way he leads me. Thanks for all your prayers and support of the MGL. We have seen such beautiful things happening this year – six ordinations, three professing perpetual vows, four taking initial vows and eight making promises. Fr Steve and his Council are doing a magnificent job leading us forward. I feel blessed out of my socks! Although, I guess the saying doesn’t really apply since I don’t wear socks!


The peace of Christ be with you and your loved ones.


Fr Ken Barker MGL

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