The mission is in transition as Fr Rey Tano changes role from formator to parish priest. Fr Steve Tynan will look after the formation for a while. They are working on a renovation of the church at St Benedicts, thanks to some generous donors. The parish continues to help educate 80 young people and also provides emergency relief during the pandemic through a Community pantry program to needy families on a rotational basis.
A new initiative is a Community kitchen providing specifically for under nourished children. A small group of women who are mothers of young people benefitting from our scholarship program feed 176 children aged 10 years or younger. The mission provides stoves, gas, veges, rice and meat, and the mothers do the feeding.
At Payatas the University of Ateneo has provided food for young mothers to feed their children. They are also feeding the families of the 125 scholars and their families. There are 13,000 families on the list for relief feeding. They manage to provide for 2,000 per week. Thanks to the 150 coordinators of this program.
Fr Paul is being helped by some of the MGL aspirants to give formation to 11 gap year students who are preparing for University study. In addition 80 people are participating in a community gardening project which has become very popular.
We have three young men pursuing priestly training in Manila, and five aspirants in the early formation program. The evangelising work with young people has been mainly on line due to Covid, but Fr Alex has plans to extend this program significantly once things open up again.